Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Skylit Drive

Alright, so the past few posts have been slow songs, and sung by women, so for this week I wanted to pick things up a bunch. If you haven't guessed from the title, the band of the day is A Skylit Drive. Oddly enough I found out about these guys while searching through local concerts on my iGoogle page. The name was interesting and so I decided to dig a little deeper. Unfortunately I didn't make the show, but I have to say that these guys have quickly become one of my most played bands. There is something about this genre of music (if you can call it any one genre) that just appeals to me like no other. I find that the dichotomy of the deep screaming and the high pitched pure vocals is intriguing, there is some really great guitar work in here, and that friggin double bass pedal on the drums just lights me the F up! One of the clinchers for me was that I listened to some of their live stuff and they actually sound just as good live. Thats no small feat for this kind of music. I won't miss the next show.

I know most of the people who read this will not find the same appreciation as I have for these guys, but one of the central themes of this blog is to show you all what I listen to and give some explanation as to why I listen to it. So, here it is. This is really the stuff I listen to most often, and if I had my way, I would write music along these lines. Unfortunately, it would sound completely ridiculous with just me and a guitar. I need a band for this. Over the years I've developed an appreciation for the singer/songwriter realm and have adopted it as my own, but truly, if I had my way I would be cranking up the Boss distortion pedal with a black Les Paul Custom, plugged into an all tube Marshall head with a full on 4x10" Marshall stack and screaming into that friggin microphone. I've said it before, but music is a means of letting what is inside....out, and this style of music is one of the clearest depictions of that philosophy. Some of you will want to stop the song as soon as it starts, but do me this one favor and listen to it all the way through. Feel it, and Enjoy.

Peace within, peace without...J...


  1. You mean the lead singer of this band isn't a woman? Just kidding. The song has its moments but you know me, I just don't like this kind of music. But if you get a band like this and start growing your hair out and getting those weird ear things, I'll be all about it.

  2. Can't say that I really enjoyed the music BUT I did enjoy reading your blog. I alwyas feel I little bit smarter (musically) after reading your blog. :)

  3. Thanks Jen. That was exactly what I was going for in this post, and really, in this blog in general. I just want to elevate the appreciation for music in general. You don't have to like a song to appreciate it. I've grown to really like bands that I don't necessarily like to listen to on a regular basis. Glad to see this is working. If you'd like me to discuss any genre or band in particular just let me know, I'd be glad to.
